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Siren's Love Song to the People by Caroline Tiss


Siren’s Love Song to The People

Her name was Rosamunde and she was born in the crashing of sea foam in the Indian ocean. There was always bonfires on the beaches and the people of Mombasa would sing and dance along the sea shore. Rosamunde would watch from the rocky cliffs where she believed she could not be seen. She adored the wind and rain of above the oceanic world, however she could never live on land because she was not meant to. Rosamunde saw her body as accursed. She could not believe that there were men and women who walked among the trees and sandy beaches. She longed to experience life  outside of her own watery world.

Rosamunde was a siren of the deepest oceans. She had green skin and sharp teeth. Rosamunde had eyes whose pupils would contract and expand like a feline. She had beautiful ankle length black hair that was matted with seaweed and decorated with shells and beads. Rosamunde did not think like a human woman. She was an enchantress, she could not make children in the way that men would like. Her sole role was to seduce. She was not even fully aware of her power being such a young mermaid like creature.

When she would come across an unsuspecting man she would eat his heart out leaving her in terror and confusion. She knew how to project a glamour spell unto their prying eyes. She was a mastermind. Her face would blur to the man and they would become lost in a misty haze of purple sea smoke. Then the last thing the human man would remember would be the sight of her teeth in their chest where the heartstrings and heart would be ripped out of their bodies.

Rosamunde was a violent and wild siren. She had a strange mystifying beauty that all sirens were known for. However, Rosamunde could not see past her day to day. She did not recognize how marvelous and unique it was to be born a siren. Rosamunde developed a sort of apathy towards her oceanic life and went along exploring the depths of the ocean breathing only with her mermaid tail.

Rosamunde longed for something more, she had such a curiosity for the humans of Mombasa. Rosamunde would sit upon the rocky cliffs while she moon gazed and believed that one day she would understand why she was given these lots that were cast for her by some unseen force.

However days went on and she longed to see the people, she wished to connect with them.
Rosamunde sung her siren’s lullaby. She sang gently but strong and whimsically.

Everything about her voice attracted the people of Mombasa on the beach that night in July. No one knew where the mysterious song was coming from but they still were spellbound by her song. Rosemunde saw this and tried to ignore her bloodlust as she sung. She started to smell fear in the people and one young man named Amani came to the shore in a trance of her song. Rosemunde became so horrified with herself that she sped off in flight under the sea.

When the moon is full Rosemunde sings for the people and for Amani, hoping to reach a human soul.


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