July - Journal Entry By Caroline Tiss 7/28/2022
If only we all knew how lucky we are to be alive, I have felt like I've only let the lips of death brush against mine not long ago. But if I have learned anything through all of my night terrors as a child, I know that you must know who you are. If you do not know you must find out. And you must know your reasons and evaluate who you are. Feel all your strength in your gut and simply believe. You do not have to fight anyone, for god sake. It is the only adivce I can really give. I feel so foolish quite honestly evern giving advice, because I feel like the pursuit of power is where the most mistakes are made. Power needs integrity. I so often feel caught between the grip of my tears that I might choke, But then I am restless. If anyone tries to tell me what that means I just might breakdown. Tenderness, is so rare today. - Entry written by Caroline Tiss 7/28/2022 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ JULY Nimble fingers grip the glass of whiskey, And I feel the fear bottled in my breath begin to shake, utterly break beneath my own weight, Long teary eyed sighs, "I miss the recall of happiness," he cried Don't we all? But was it ever really there at all? How can you catch a fleeting moment that is never meant to last? I do not cry for the sun when it sets because all happens in due time. Paces are set and cycles subside, I run, I ramble, I shout, I Cry And it all fades, like July, Momento Mori is not such a frightful thing, afterall.
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